Preliminary Task 2- Sound
For our film "Addiction" we will be focusing on using the sound purposefully to build the tension and suspense. The scene will start with the camera on Aaron (our troubled youth who has used drugs as his "way out") who has his headphones on and is listening to music. Immediately we hear what he hears, how he is hearing it. All other sound is cancelled out and only the music he is listening to is heard. This places the viewers in his shoes, immediately allowing them to be on "his side," despite his actions portraying those of a stereotypical "bad guy." This genre of music will most probably be rap or "afro beats" as it will corollate with this character the most.
When the shot switches to Von (the older drug dealer who is actually bringing the drugs), the music will immediately fade away and be quietly playing in the background- maybe a subtle foreboding note will be incorporated to associate Von as a more dangerous character) This will create a little bit more tension as it is clear that there is a weaker, less feared character and a stronger, more highly feared one.
This switch between mostly digetic and non-digetic sound will continue till Aaron gets back into the car. As he takes his headphones off, the sound drowns out- again we hear what he is hearing. At this point all non-digetic sound is lost and we are left with only digetic sound.
This clear cut to only digectic sound will raise the suspense as there is no music to confirm whether the situation is negative or not.
Suddenly the buzzing of his phone on the dashboard of the car breaks the silence, however he chooses not to answer. Here we will bring in a subtle foreboding under note which will indicate that the stakes have now been raised. As he starts driving and the phone continues ringing the intensity and urgency of the non-digetic sound will steadily increase accordingly, ramping up till it reaches a climax in their "chase scene."
However, suddenly as Von's car turns off onto a different street and is no longer following him the non-digetic sound will come to an abrupt end as well.
Through using our sound more meaningfully and with thorough planning we are hoping to build more suspense through our sound than we did in Preliminary Task 1.
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